The Latest Google Algorithm Updates and Their Impact on Dental SEO

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Friday, February 24, 2023

Google algorithm updates are crucial to understanding how the search engine operates and how websites are ranked on the SERP (search engine results page). With each new update, websites are either positively or negatively impacted, making it crucial for dental practices to stay informed about the latest changes and adjust their SEO strategies accordingly. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the latest Google algorithm updates and their impact on dental SEO.

One of the latest algorithm updates from Google is called “Page Experience”, which was released in May 2021. This update focuses on the overall user experience of a website, including factors such as load time, mobile-friendliness, and the absence of intrusive interstitials. Dental practices that want to rank well on Google must ensure that their websites meet the Page Experience criteria. This includes optimizing their websites for mobile devices, ensuring that pages load quickly, and avoiding the use of intrusive pop-ups or ads.

Another recent algorithm update from Google is the “BERT” update, which was released in October 2021. BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, and it is designed to help Google better understand the natural language used in queries. This update has a significant impact on dental SEO, as it allows dental practices to better target the right keywords and phrases that their target audience is using to search for dental services. To benefit from this update, dental practices should focus on creating high-quality content that is optimized for natural language and provides valuable information to their target audience.

Google has also recently introduced a new algorithm called “E-A-T”, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This update focuses on evaluating the quality of a website and the information it provides. Dental practices that want to rank well on Google must ensure that their websites provide high-quality, authoritative, and trustworthy information about dental services and procedures. This can be achieved by having a knowledgeable dentist author the content on the website, providing references to credible sources, and maintaining a professional and trustworthy website design.

Finally, Google has also updated its local search algorithm, which is crucial for dental practices that want to rank well in local search results. The update emphasizes the importance of accurate and consistent information about the dental practice on websites, social media profiles, and online directories. Dental practices should ensure that their business information, such as their address, phone number, and business hours, is up-to-date and consistent across all platforms. They should also encourage their patients to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business and Yelp, which can positively impact their local search rankings.

In conclusion, Google algorithm updates are an ongoing process, and it is crucial for dental practices to stay informed and adjust their SEO strategies accordingly. The latest updates focus on improving the overall user experience, providing high-quality information, and ensuring accurate and consistent business information. By following these updates and best practices, dental practices can improve their visibility on Google and attract more potential patients to their websites.